Contact Us

Payment Options:


Payments can be made online, phone, email and by mail.  You’re welcome to drop cheque’s/envelopes off in the outside mailbox.    Should you require in person communication or your contract printed out, please contact the office to schedule


747 Schubert Circle
Orleans, ON K4A 4W3

Contact Us


Business Hours

Mon - Fri 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Sat & Sunday CLOSED
*Open 24hrs during snow events

Request an Estimate

5 cm start

Snow service triggered by 5cm

sms alert system

Get notified before the tractor shows up to clear your driveway

Email updates

Get regular storm and weather updates right to your Inbox

gps tracking

State-of-the-art CRM system to better track visits and ensure prompt and professional service.


Snow-Care Works
747 Schubert Circle
Orleans, ON K4A 4W3

Contact Us


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